Harry Reid will hopefully join Hillary in prison soon.
9 years ago
by limbo123
What's the difference between Harry Reid and a Carp?
One's a scum sucking bottom feeder and one's a fish. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_HARRY_REID_UTAH_INVESTIGATION?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2015-11-18-15-57-54 |
SoPissed 9 years ago
He is the epitome of shenanigans, greedy, corrupt and vicious, just like Hillary. He got that dirty land deals, and all his sons are making a very good living as Washington lobbyists. How convenient! But don’t hold your breadth, these days you can escape any punishment as long as you are a Democratic. |
FreakNot 9 years ago