Planned Parenthood - the Evil Empire
9 years ago
by SoPissed
This organization not only kills babies it sells baby parts too, and it is funded by tax payers' monies - 500 millions/yr. It does not get more evil than that. If you are not angry as hell, you have no heart and it is too bad that you were not aborted. Think about it, more than 53 millions of defensiveless and innocent future lives have been prematurely terminated with their brains barbarically crushed and sucked out of their mother's womb since Roe vs Wade, and most of them were done very nonchalantly.
9 years ago
teh_bullshit 9 years ago
SoPissed 9 years ago
Defunding the tax funded organization which murders babies and then sells the dead babies' body parts is a right-wing attack on women's right. Is it a womain's right to sell her dead baby's body parts? According to Elizabath Warren, it is. |
FreakNot 9 years ago
FreakNot 9 years ago
SoPissed 9 years ago
You can turn your face away from the gruesome reality of the brain crushing and sucking, and turn your thoughts away from your cold, unfeeling heart, the cruel reality is vividly present now and forever. Let your darker side give in to the power of the life at - Life at 8 weeksâ Life at 10 weeks What happens during a 10 -12 weeks abortion Use your imagination for the life or abortion at 6 months of pregnancy or after. |