Why Hillary is dangerous to this country
Is it her responsibility ?
8 years ago
by SoPissed
If Hillary as a Secretary of State can not even tell an email is important to our national security and should be securely guarded regardless it is marked or not, how can she be our commander-in-chief?
Her excuse that it is for her convenience that she used her own unsecured mail server is a BS. The Clintons just tried to hide all their shenanigans of their Global Initiative's access-selling and money-grabbing activities from being exposed. This couple is so dangerous to this country, and they should be forever shamed.
8 years ago
SoPissed 8 years ago
The end of 30 years of Clintons' corruptions is near, and this country will be emancipated from their evil empire.
Again, the Clintons are like laboratory rats, put enough of the goodies in front of them and they will gorge themselves to death. http://www.wsj.com/articles/secret-recordings-fueled-fbi-feud-in-clinton-probe-1478135518
SoPissed 8 years ago
Undercover Videos Show DNC, Hillary Collaborating to Incite Violence At Trump Rallies, And Then Blame Trump For The Violence.
SoPissed 8 years ago
New Podesta Email Exposes Playbook For Rigging Polls Through "Oversamples"http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-10-23/new-podesta-email-exposes-dem-playbook-rigging-polls-through-oversamples |
SoPissed 8 years ago
Do as I say, not as I do because I am above the law, and you are NOT!
View the video at |
SoPissed 8 years ago
During the Oct. 9th presidential debate, Hillary said, “I want to appoint Supreme Court Justices who understand the way the world really works,..." Wow! She does not think the most important quality of our Supreme Court Justices is the understanding of and adhering to our Constitution, but the understanding the way the world really works". It clearly reveals the great danger she will trample our justice system if she is elected. |
SoPissed 8 years ago
She definitely envisioned and planned the funding of her family's foundations when she accepted the nomination for the Secretary of the State from Obama. And she had also planned then to quit after the 1st term to pursue her presidential bid.
I guarantee you those emails she illegally deleted from her private server must have contained communications with those fat cat contacts and access buying donors about her intention to run for the president so they can donate more to buy their next unfettered access to the White House. Some of her perfidies can be heard at https://youtu.be/IogbTRX0Hdc?t=30 |
SoPissed 8 years ago
Department of Justice abruptly drops case against arms dealer Marc Turi who threatened to reveal Clinton's Libya dealings. An arms dealer Mr. Marc Turi who had threatened to reveal potantially damaging information about Hillary Clinton's alleged role in arming Islamist militants until federal prosecutors abruptly dropped their case against him Tuesday, told Fox News the case has cost him everything. Federal prosecutors faced a Wednesday deadline to turn over discovery documents to the legal team of American Marc Turi, who had been charged with selling weapons to Libyan rebels. Late Tuesday, an announcement came that the government was dropping the case, which was set to go to trial on Nov. 8 – the day American voters choose between Clinton and GOP nominee Donald Trump. The move may avert a release of potentially explosive documents. Details at http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/10/05/doj-abruptly-drops-case-against-gun-runner-who-threatened-to-reveal-clintons-libya-dealings.html |
SoPissed 8 years ago
How would anyone with a minimum amount of brain like to send this sleazy couple back to the White House. It is like let the fox watch the henhouse. |
SoPissed 8 years ago
You sucker voters, I will completely wear you down with all my scandals, and as long as I hang tough, refuse to hand over those bleachbit emails or answer any questions, and blame those evil Judicial Watch and AP and Republicans as right wing conspiracy for my corrupted dealings, I'll survive well. They have been my golden rules since day one and they work like a charm. If you don’t believe that, wait until those suckers send me to my ultimate dream kingdom, the White House. Secretly, Hillary Rotten Clinton |
SoPissed 8 years ago
SoPissed 8 years ago
SoPissed 8 years ago
SoPissed 8 years ago
SoPissed 8 years ago
The Clinton Foundation, State and Kremlin ConnectionsTens of millions of dollars poured into the Clinton Foundation while she was handling a major technology transfer initiative at the heart of Washington’s effort to “reset” relations with Russia.Read the details at http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-clinton-foundation-state-and-kremlin-connections-1469997195This sleazy couple's insatiable appetite for money and power is history in the making. Like laboratory rats, put enough of the goodies in front of these two and they will gorge themselves to death. |
SoPissed 8 years ago
From Arkansas to Washington DC When Bill Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas, Hillary got paid from among other firms the infamous Rose Law Firm, but she never had to show up for work there. In the meantime the law firm got most of the state’s contracts. And during the same period Hillary had turned her $1,000 cattle future investment into a $100,000 return through an investment firm in a very short period of time. Now some 296 pages of Hillary’s previously hidden emails have been released by Judicial Watch, and they have shed light on how she had treated State Department as her personal asset and used it to siphon money for her Clinton Foundation from those who looked to buy access to US Government. She has refused to turn over some 34,000 emails from her private mail server and claimed they were all personal emails about her yoga, wedding,…etc.. And no one doubts that many of those emails were related to donations-access-buying. They have been lying and getting away with murder all the way from Arkansas to DC. And now she is trying her last and the biggest catch - the White House. She has sold the State Department. Are the voters going to let her sell the White House? |
SoPissed 8 years ago
Newly released Clinton emails shed light on relationship between State Dept. and Clinton Foundationhttp://www.cnn.com/2016/08/09/politics/hillary-clinton-emails-judicial-watch/ |
SoPissed 8 years ago
Father of Orlando shooter right seated right behind Hillary at her rally Monday evening, the father of ISIS-inspired Orlando nightclub gunman Omar Mateen showed up just steps away from the Democratic nominee, cheering her on and waving an American flag in the background – even as she paid tribute to the victims of his son’s terror rampage and condemned his “hatred.” |
SoPissed 8 years ago
Business Leader: You are violating the company’s rules and regulations by moving your emails to your private server. Mrs. Employee: It is for my personal convenience. Business Leader: So your personal convenience trumps our company’s interest? You have to turn over all the emails to me, ASAP. (an official request is issued to Mrs. Employee) (many months later) Mrs. Employee: Here is the list of my emails. Business Leader: But you did not turn over all the emails that you had diverted out. (drip, drip) Mrs. Employee: Here is the final list and I only deleted my personal emails, total about 35,000 of them. Business Leader: Many of the emails are related to our company’s secret information and should be well guarded. You have just made our company very vulnerable to our competitors or even governments, and subjected us to possible blackmail in the future. Mrs. Employee: But none of them are mark ‘Confidential’ or ’Top Secret’. Business Leader: DAME IT! with all the years you have been around and held the top position in this company, you DO NOT have the ability and intelligence to tell what information is ‘Confidential’ or ’Top Secret’ and you have to be told? You are fired and get out right now. You are not qualified to hold a position for any company. |
SoPissed 8 years ago
While as the Secretary of State, Hillary put a major Clinton Foundation donor, Rajiv K. Fernando, on a sensitive government intelligence advisory board even though he had no obvious experience in the field. |
SoPissed 8 years ago
Emails in Clinton Probe Dealt With Planned Drone StrikesAt the center of a criminal probe involving Hillary Clinton's handling of classified information is a series of emails between American diplomats in Islamabad and their superiors in Washington about whether to oppose specific drone strikes in Pakistan.More details at http://www.wsj.com/articles/clinton-emails-in-probe-dealt-with-planned-drone-strikes-1465509863 |
SoPissed 8 years ago
You never know how many governments have hacked Hillar's unsecured mail server and got all our government's top security information from her emails. If she ever becomes our president, she can be blackmailed by them and by Clintons' track record, she will trade this country's welfare for her personal benefits.