The truth about the BLM "movement"
8 years ago
by limbo123
BLM is a surogate of the Democratic party whose purpose is to use rare and tragic police shootings for political purposes.
Here is the reality: |
Sum Guy 8 years ago
BLM is bought and paid for by George Soros. He's also the one paying for organized anti-trump rallies and demonstrations. Soros calls the shots when it comes to defining what "liberal" means, be it the Ukraine or on the streets of the US. That man is a real, live, actual modern-day James Bond villain. The next Bond movie should be about ventillating George Soros before he destroys the white western world.
SoPissed 8 years ago
Liberals do not believe in true data, statistics or even science, they only believe in ‘end justifies the means’.
For example, profiling is one of the very basic and effective scientific approaches to study and resolve problems, but liberals deny it because the end does not fit their political correctness goals. However, if any data that fit their PC goals, like global warming, regardless how shaky that maybe, they immediately become the true believers of ’statistics’. Nothing but a whole bunch of chameleons they are. |
Amandavas 8 years ago